Bikescape spends an evening in Los Angeles and checks in on the thriving LA bike culture. We go on the Midnight Ridazz ride though the Pasadena area. We meet up with activists, fixie afficionados, partiers and the occasional alien.
Listen to the podcast or
go to Bikescape in itunes
To link up with LA activists, visit the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.
Illuminate LA
Get your bike fixed or, better yet, learn how to fix it yourself at the Bike Kitchen or the Bike Oven.
If you like fixed gear bikes, visit LA Fixed.
Get your bike event listed on the Bike Boom Calendar.
Blogs of record in LA
Cycle Santa Monica
San Francisco is gearing up for Bike Spring!
Thanks to Enci, Stephan, Eric, Kelly, and everyone else for their help in getting this podcast out. Photo by DJ Kooya